NINJA TEAM GATCHAMAN (Part 1) Production Reports

Production Reports

stuff was added to this Page on August 2nd, 1996

We completed the TRUE SEREO version of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die! on Sunday July 21st, 1996. Here are the progress reports that were posted during the production phase.


On Saturday, February 17th, 1996 we managed to complete 14 scenes. At this rate, the voice over portion of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die! should be completed in two more sessions.

On the audio editing front, Corellian Jones has laid down all the music for Part One, and has done 3 music selections for Part Two. On Sunday, February 18th, he also managed to lay down 8 of the 14 scenes that we completed on Saturday. So far, our new method of audio editing is working very well. Everyone here is crossing their fingers that this continues, and that we don't hit any major snags.

The next voice over session is scheduled for February 24th, 1996.

On Saturday, February 24th, 1996 we managed to complete 9 scenes of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!, and 7 scenes of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. Phillip Sral (who is coordinating and scheduling this production), didn't really want to start on Part Two until we had Part One completely voiced. However, due to an unforeseen situation, two of the voice actors who had promised to show up were unable to make the dub session. Since one of these actors is in over two-thirds of the scenes in Part One, Phillip was forced to change the anticipated scene voice over schedule so that we could get a full day of work done.

On the audio editing front, Corellian Jones expects to have everything done during this session laid down in our editing system by Sunday evening, February 25th. We're making good progress, and at this point, fully expect to make the completion date we've set for ourselves.

The next voice over session is scheduled for March 2nd, 1996.

On Saturday, March 2nd, 1996 we managed to complete 13 scenes of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!. The two actors who had to bail out of session # 2 on February 24th did make this session, and we were able to get quite a bit done. We also managed to get two voice actors finished (which means we don't need them to show up for any further dub sessions for the current project).

Part One only has 14 (mostly short) scenes left to be completed, and we expect to do so at the next session.

On the audio editing front, Corellian Jones has decided to take a well deserved day off, and will probably edit all the scenes we did on March 2nd into the system on Saturday, March 9th.

The next voice over session is scheduled for March 10th, 1996.

On Sunday, March 10th, 1996 we managed to complete 11 scenes of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!, and 5 scenes of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. We would have completed Part One, except for the fact that the one actress we need to finish off the last 3 scenes is not available until March 24th. We expect to have the voice over portion of Part One finished at our next session. Part Two is now one-third complete, and we expect it will take 2, (or at most 3) sessions to totally finish off the voice over portion of this project (allowing Corellian to completely focus on post production).

We did have a major malfunction with the big screen projection TV that our actors use to view the scenes as they dub the voices, but we were able to jury rig a 14 inch monitor up so we could continue; and complete today's voice over schedule. Technical glitches such as this always pop up from time to time, but over all, this production has gone very smoothly, with very few of these glitches. At this point, confidence is very high that both parts will be ready to premiere at Project A-KON 7.

Given the fact that we've been dubbing for 4 straight weekends, and the fact that all the members of Sherbert Productions have other commitments as well, there will not be a voice over session during the weekend of March 16th. (In other words, we need a break).

The next voice over session is scheduled for March 24th, 1996.

On Sunday, March 24th, 1996 we managed to complete the last 3 scenes of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!. So, as far as voice over is concerned, Part One is "in the can". We also finished 14 scenes of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. There are about 17 scenes left to complete of Part Two, but most are quite short, so I would honestly expect the voice over portion of this project to be completed with the next session.

As far as the session itself is concerned, the only snag that occured was that five of the nine actors called me at the scheduled start time, and they ALL began the phone conversation with "Hi, I'm running a little late". Since two of these actors are in practically every scene that remains, we started about an hour late. This was not a major problem, but I did find it amusing that everyone who called began with EXACTLY the same phrase.

On the audio editing front, Corellian decided to start mixing the sound effects track, and has created some fairly interesting stuff so far. Confidence is still high that we'll have these new parodies ready to show at Project A-KON 7.

The next voice over session is scheduled for March 31st, 1996.

On Sunday, March 31, 1996 we managed to complete 16 full scenes, and partially complete 5 scenes of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. The reason we were unable to finish Part Two this week was because both Daed d'Wolf, and Alexandria Kadar informed Phillip Sral that they had the Flu, were feeling quite ill, and would be unable to make it to the session. So, as a result, the only things left to get to complete Part Two are one line and one scream from Alexandria; and 6 lines and a few screams from Daed, which we'll do as soon as they are feeling better.

On the audio editing front, the audio editing system we're using had a minor problem Saturday, March 30th which we are reasonably sure will not effect the final product, but may add a bit more work to the editing process than anticipated. (If there's anyone out there who considers themselves an expert with the Amiga 4000 and Sunrize's "Studio 16" audio card; PLEASE E- mail: I would love to run something by you just to be certain. Either way, we already have a few work arounds if what Corellian saw Saturday is a bit more serious than we currently believe, and the completion timeline for this Project shouldn't be affected.

On the audio editing front, we had a pretty good session on Saturday, April 6th, 1996. Corellian and Phillip managed to lay down 13 voice over scenes for Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!. This leaves 11 voice over scenes to lay down, and then we can start doing the sound effects track. Corellian is planning to continue editing today (Sunday, April 7th, 1996); and expects to complete laying down the voice over portion of Part One.

As far as the voice over that we still need to record for Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank; both Daed d'Wolf, and Alexandria Kadar have recovered from the Flu. We've scheduled what we hope will be the last voice over session of this project for Saturday, April 13th, 1996.

On Saturday, April 13th, 1996, we completed the final voice over portion of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. So, all the voices for Part One and Part Two are now "in the can".

On the audio editing front, Corellian has completed laying down all the music and voice over for Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die!. He is now proceeding to lay down the sound effects track for Part One. Once this is completed, we will do a final mixdown to set the optimum levels for all the tracks, and then transfer that on to our Video Master tape. Once we have Part One done, we will turn our attention to the audio portion of Part Two.

If all things go well, we expect to fully complete Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die! by Memorial Day (May 27th). However, due to the fact that it took longer than expected to create the sound effects track for Part One, it looks like we will, at best, have a "work in progress" copy of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank available for Project A-KON 7. This is due to the fact that because we have a better and more precise audio editing system, we are capable of doing much more with the sound effects than ever before. So, while we are not trying to overload the video, we are taking the time to create panned, and flanged stereo effects where appropriate, and it took us longer than expected. We honestly did expect to have BOTH parodies fully completed by Project A-KON 7, but it looks like only Part One will be done before May 31st.

Well, we did manage to finish a Mono mix of Part One: Ninja Team Gatchaman: 7-Zark-7 Must Die! on the morning of May 30th, 1996, which we premired at Project A-KON 7. However, after alot of trial and tribualation, we FINALLY got a handle on our digital audio system, and competed the TRUE STEREO mix of 7-Zark-7 Must Die! on Sunday, July 21st. We will be showing this at Anime America 1996.

With the completion of Part One, Corellian Jones will FINALLY be able to start working on the audio portion of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. Now that we have worked all the bugs out, and have a comprehensive understanding of our digital audio system, it should be completed in much less time then it took us to finish Part One.


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