NINJA TEAM GATCHAMAN (Part 2) Production Reports

Production Reports

stuff was added to this Page on December 30th, 1996

Here are the progress reports that were posted during the production phase of Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank!


PRODUCTION REPORT # 1 - 08/02/96
With the completion of Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 1): 7-Zark-7 Must Die!, Corellian Jones will FINALLY be able to start working on the audio portion of Part Two: Ninja Team Gatchaman: Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank. Now that we have worked all the bugs out, and have a comprehensive understanding of our digital audio system, it should be completed in much less time then it took us to finish Part One.

PRODUCTION REPORT # 2 - 10/01/96
On Saturday, September 28, 1996, Corellian Jones completed all of the video editing for Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank!. So we now have a Betacam SP video Master tape to work with. On Sunday, September 29, 1996, Corellian Jones and Phillip Sral started laying down the music track for this parody. After 10 hours of work, they managed to get about 75% of the music track completed. Corellian hopes to finish the music track during the week so that he can begin working on the voice track this coming weekend (October 5 - 6, 1996). The initial voice over recording for part two was completed back on Saturday, April 13 of this year.

PRODUCTION REPORT # 3 - 10/22/96
On Sunday, October 19, 1996, Corellian Jones completed laying down and tweaking the music tracks, and began working on the voice track of Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank!. Assisted by Phillip Sral, they began selecting the best overall Takes and individual Lines recorded at our Voice-Over sessions of February, March and April of 1996. They decided to call it a day at 8:30 pm, and managed to transfer 30 of the 47 total scenes to our digital audio editing system. We will be cutting and pasting lines from a number of different Takes of the same scenes to get the best sounding result possible. Corellian began this process after work today, Tuesday, October 22, 1996. As of 6:00 pm, he had completed editing and lip-synching Scene 8 of Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank!(This just happened to be the first Scene on the audio tape Corellian and Phillip transferred on Sunday).

One small item was overlooked during the Voice-Over sessions of February, March and April. In one Scene, a character (played by Phillip Sral) coughs on screen. Phillip and Corellian had discussed doing the cough as a separate pickup during one of the Voice Over session, but never did actually record it on tape. Corellian discovered this today while editing that particular scene. So, sometime in the next couple of weeks, Phillip will have to put the character's cough on tape so the scene can be properly completed

PRODUCTION REPORT # 4 - 11/11/96
On Saturday, November 9, 1996, Corellian Jones completed most of the editing on the voice track of Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank!. All that's left to do for the voice track is edit in a cough for the Elvis Presley character, and a few grunts, groans, arrrggghs, and ahhhhs of some guards.

Corellian has now begun work on the sound effects track. After that, all that's left to do is the final audio mix-down on to the Master Betacam SP video tape, and this one is "in the can".

PRODUCTION REPORT # 5 - 12/25/96
Merry Christmas to all! I realize it's been a while since the last PR, but I just upgraded to a Pentium processor, and went to windows 95 in the process, so I've been busy re-configuring my system, and getting my Internet dial-up to work properly. Well, Corellian Jones has completed laying down the sound effects track, and has also finished tweaking the audio mix on the Amiga 4000- computer. Today, Wednesday, December 25, 1996, he has said he will have Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank! completed by the end of the day!

This coming Saturday, December 28, 1996, we plan to do all the video tape copies for the cast and crew; as well as one to take to Coventions in 1997.

PRODUCTION REPORT # 6 - 12/30/96
Well, this is the final Production Report for this particular project. After completing the final audio mix, laying it down on to our Betacam SP master tape, and viewing a VHS test cassette made from the master, we pronounced Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank! completed at 7:30 pm on Wednesday December 25th, 1996. We are very pleased with the way the final audio mix turned out, and are looking forward to showing this to an audience. VHS tapes for the cast and crew were completed at 9:00 pm on Saturday, December 28th, 1996.

We will be premiering Ninja Team Gatchaman (Part 2): Bring me the Head of Sandy Frank! in our room at Confurence VIII in January of 1997.


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